
1.7 Nigerians have been displaced and the situation is deteriorating

About 1.7 million people have been displaced due to the deteriorating humanitarian...

UNAIDS reports slow progress on the 2020 HIV targets

UNAIDS’ new report ‘Miles to go—closing gaps, breaking barriers,...

Infant mortality in Brazil is increasing for the first time since 1990

The number of infant deaths has risen in Brazil for the first time since 1990 a recent...

Less than 15% of children seeking asylum on the Greek Islands received an education in 2017

A report by Human Rights Watch reveals that asylum-seeking children in Greece are...

1 in 3 people still do not have adequate sanitation

The UN high-level political forum (HLPF) is held annually to focus on different and...

Productivity of fisheries will be largely reduced by 2050 due to climate change

The warming of the world’s oceans, which is expected to worsen, has led to the...

Humanitarian situation worsens in Ethiopia

More than 800,000 internally displaced people face extreme weather in Ethiopia. ...

Millions of people in India are facing the worst water crisis in history

Water has become costly in India due to weak infrastructure and a national water shortage....

Sustained support for Haiti and Panama is needed, UN relief chief said

Mark Lowcock, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief...

Failure of girls’ education could cost the world $30 trillion per year, says World Bank

Nearly 132 million girls aged 6 to 17 are not educated. The failure to allow girls...

25% of Indian urban population lives in informal homes despite ongoing housing schemes

Although Indian officials intend to meet the deadline to provide housing for every...

Rohingya refugees are protected by new identity cards in Bangladesh

According to the United Nations refugee agency, Rohingya refugees who received shelter...

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