
Blockchain could transform identification and aid processes for refugees

The World Bank reports that over 1 billion people have no way of proving their...

Investment in water infrastructure needs to double, reports UN and World Bank

The United Nations and The World Bank released their report yesterday ‘Making...

Linking local production and refugee nutrition is key to ‘maintain harmony’ in Cox’s Bazar

The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has distributed seeds and agricultural...

6 months on, how is the Caribbean recovering from hurricanes and Irma and Maria?

Between August and October 2017 the Caribbean suffered two of its worst hurricanes...

Disaster resilience and post disaster recovery in Asia

The latest report by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the...

Vietnam to construct 4,000 storm proof homes to protect against climate change

A new partnership between the UN and the Government of Vietnam will see storm proof...

WFP’s ShareTheMeal App now links donors with the people they’re helping

The World Food Programme has launched an innovative new feature to its app, ShareTheMeal,...

Resilience to climate change in Asia-Pacific depends on gender equality, says UNEP

The United Nations Environment Programme have highlighted that for the Asia-Pacific...

“It is time to make refugee girls’ education a priority” says UNHCR

A new report by UNHCR titled ‘Her Turn’ reveals that refugee girls are...

APEC accelerates early warning systems after the record breaking disasters of 2017

APEC member economies are fast-tracking the development of digital safeguards in the...

Sri Lanka is hopeful a new pumping station will protect against flooding

At the start of 2018 work began in Colombo, Sri Lanka, to construct a large pumping...

A new project puts women at the forefront of climate resilience in Bangladesh

The Green Climate Fund has approved a US$25 million grant to support Bangladesh’s...

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