
Women’s leadership is critical to the future of Niger

After meeting with the Nigerien president, Mahamadou Issoufu, on Saturday, Amina Mohammed,...

75% of South Sudanese children have known nothing but war - UNICEF

After South Sudan gained independence in 2011, becoming the world’s youngest...

1.3 Million Afghan Children May Lose Protection from Polio Immunization

Insurgent bans may prevent hundreds of thousands of children in Afghanistan from receiving...

Ineffective health care may occur across all Member States, WHO warns

A new report conducted by the World Health Organization(WHO) and partners revealed...

Have your say in the 10 Year Sector Review!

To celebrate the 10 year Anniversary of the AIDF Global Summit, Aid & International...

New report finds significant improvements to living conditions in Myanmar

A joint report conducted by the Central Statistical Organization, the UNDP, and the...

6 Million People Are Threatened by The Food Crisis in West Africa

About six million people are experiencing hunger in Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania,...

Disaster displacement can be decreased by improved risk management

Last year, 18.8 million people were displaced by extreme weather events such as floods,...

Climate change could cost poor countries an extra $168 billion in interest

A new study from the Imperial College Business School has revealed that poor countries...

We need to ‘step up to the plate’ and increase support for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh

UN Secretary- General António Guterres and World Bank Group President Jim Yong...

The 10 most neglected displacement crises of 2017

Each year the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) releases a list of the ten most neglected...

Gender perspectives in disasters to be mainstreamed by ASEAN

At the latest Meeting of the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management (ACDM) the leaders...

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