
Big data from space to be used for disaster prevention in Africa

On Monday, outer space and disaster response experts gathered at a United Nations forum to discuss how “big data” including social media, crowd sourcing and satellite imaging, can reduce the...

IOM provides mental health services and safe spaces in Yemen for displaced children and families

Since March 2015, the conflict in Yemen has affected the lives of millions of families. According to the UN Migration Agency’s (IOM) Displacing Tracking Matrix, as of June 2018 approximately 2.3 million...

22.5 million children in Pakistan are missing out on an education, with girls worst affected

According to the 2015 Oslo Summit on Education and Development, Pakistan was considered “among the world’s worst performing countries in education.” The government highlighted that approximately...

World Bank report highlights key challenges for improving Human Capital in Sub-Saharan Africa

The World Bank recently released a report titled ‘The Human Capital Project in Africa’ which is a global effort designed to accelerate human capital by encouraging effective policy and investment....

10-year Climate Smart Agriculture Implementation Framework launched in Kenya

The Government of Kenya, in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), launched the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture...

Rapid urbanisation is causing major health problems in Africa

Yesterday, 8th November, representatives from African cities met to discuss how to tackle the effects of environmental issues on human health in the region. This includes pollution, water quality and sustainable...

“Win-win” climate solutions for Ethiopia and Kenya to benefit people and the environment

A recent report “Nordic Green to Scale for Countries/Africa” by Stockholm Environment Institute Africa Centre highlights how Ethiopia and Kenya can benefit from the experience of other countries...

Chennai’s water crisis worsens as water delivery providers strike

Last month, Chennai’s water delivery system went on strike to protest their restricted access to groundwater. This worsened the existing water crisis effecting the city and country. A report earlier...

Global Financing Facility commits $1 billion to improving health for women and children

The Global Financing Facility (GFF) has dedicated US -$1.005 billion to improve the health and nutritional needs of women, children and adolescents in at-risk communities. The GFF was founded by the United...

Biodiversity loss could cause humans to become the first species to document its own extinction

The world must turn its attention to the rapid biodiversity loss that is occurring around the world or humanity could become the first species to document our own extinction, warns the United Nation’s...

Front line health workers in Uganda vaccinated against Ebola

The Ugandan Ministry of Health (MoH), with assistance from the World Health Organisation (WHO), has begun to vaccinate front line health workers in Uganda against Ebola. The vaccination process was launched...

Death toll from migrant Mediterranean Sea route to Europe surpasses 2,000

In recent years the Mediterranean Sea has proven to be the deadliest sea route for refugees and migrants seeking asylum in Europe. Last week it was reported that the death toll for 2018 has exceeded 2,000...

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