
Mobile For Development Initiatives

Technology, especially mobile phones, can create positive change to help improve the livelihoods of those in developing countries. Below are some recent initiatives which have been helping to improve food...

Disaster Risk Reduction efforts in the Greater Horn of Africa

In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), there are still significant communication gaps between climate information producers and the communities at risk. A 2015 study published in the International Journal of Disaster...

[report] AIDF Mobile for Development: Transforming Global Healthcare Through Mobile Technology

With the ascent of mobile technology and increased connectivity across the globe, the digital divide is slowly closing. As technological changes and solution-based innovations forge ahead in the next few...

TURMAKS Mobile Healthcare Solutions - Case Examples

TURMAKS offers types of products for various types of applications in terms of client needs, use, climatic and/or geographic conditions, with a custom-design manufacturing, according to requirements specifies...

Waterclean 3000 water supply system from Kärcher Futuretech in use in Senegal, March 2015

As part of its developmental aid programme, a group of consultants from the German Armed Forces has assisted the Republic of Senegal with the creation of systems to supply drinking water. The choice fell...

Top 10 Biggest Recipients of Humanitarian Relief in the Last Decade

In the last decade there have been ten crises that have attracted the most significant amount of humanitarian aid in this period.  The latest statistics were revealed by the UN OCHA’S Financial...

Managing the Future of Drought in California’s Water Crisis

The past four years has seen California gripped by an unprecedented water crisis. Ninety-three percent of Californians have been affected by the lack of water and there are no signs that this drought will...

Improving Nutrition Outcomes through Optimized Agricultural Investments – ATONU

The Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN) have announced their new regional initiative which focuses on how agricultural programs can achieve positive nutrition outcomes....

Digital cash for refugees in Kenya’s Kakuma camps

The UN World Food Programme (WFP) has introduced digital cash in the Kakuma refugee camps in Kenya which are home to 180 000 mostly South Sudanese refugees. The cash transfers –...

Egyptian method filters seawater in minutes

[CAIRO] Researchers at Alexandria University in Egypt have unveiled a cost-effective desalination technology which can filter highly salty water in minutes. The technology is based on membranes...

Ensuring rapid response during the Nepal earthquake with car lifting system SPACCER from Germany

World market leading patented car lifting system SPACCER is ideally suited for rapid reaction after disasters as the recent Nepal earthquake has shown. The unique German company provides an affordable car...

Weak links hamper knowledge sharing in agriculture

Agricultural systems are changing. They need knowledge networks, not independent brokers, says Benjamin Kwasi Addom.   Agricultural extension services are part of most countries’ rural administrative...

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