
Working together with water: effective collaboration protects our most precious resource

Our very existence depends upon taking in sufficient water:  it is the main constituent of our bodies, accounting for around 60% of an average adult´s weight. Without water, our organs cannot...

Interview with Scotto di Cesare, SVP, Commercial Business Development, Globecomm

How is Globecomm involved in humanitarian and development sectors? Globecomm’s mission is to provide communication solutions anywhere. We are technology agnostic, satellite centric IT networking organization...

28 African countries have no access to radiotherapy cancer treatment

Yesterday, 4th February 2018, marked World Cancer Day which aims to unite the world’s population in the fight against cancer. The international day hopes to save millions of preventable deaths by...

FAO calls for new funding to vaccinate livestock in South Sudan

The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has launched an appeal to help vaccinate nine million animals in South Sudan. The organisation is hoping to raise $7.5 million to combat the increased...

African leaders back initiative to combat malnutrition

A new plan to remove barriers to combating malnutrition has been agreed to by African leaders.  The resolution was made at a recent meeting in Addis Ababa with the African Union, which represents all...

India takes bold step towards building huge waterways project

The Indian government has signalled its intent to go ahead with a major infrastructure project that could create thousands of jobs in the country. The government has today signed a $375 million loan agreement...

Wetlands are key to Disaster Risk Reduction

February 2nd marks World Wetlands Day which aims to raise awareness of the value of wetlands for humanity and our planet. Wetlands can have a significant role in risk management and disaster reduction,...

African Development Bank urges increase in renewables and climate financing

The African Development Bank has used a major speech in Ethiopia to call for greater investment in renewable energy and climate resiliency. Speaking at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa...

South Africa leads the way with an innovative boarder management system

South Africa’s Department of Home Affairs was particularly interested in a proactive solution, which would enable them to analyse and pre-screen travelers before they arrived. If necessary, this would...

$25.5 million investment to protect Gambia’s river basin from climate change

A new project from UN Environment and the Green Climate Fund (GCF) will protect Gambia’s agricultural sector from the increasingly damaging effects of climate change. The six-year adaptation scheme...

Conflict and disaster forces 59 million young people into illiteracy, UNICEF reports

Latest findings of UNICEF reveal that 30% of young people between the ages 15-24 living in conflict or disaster affected areas are illiterate. This equates to 59 million young people. UNICEF have called...

Sustainable agriculture needs financing to unlock potential

Agriculture stands at a crossroads between its current contributions to greenhouse gas emissions and the number of mouths it needs to feed in the developing world. The answer to the former is estimated...

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