
Kenyan flooding could cause a major humanitarian crisis

Experts have warned that flooding in Kenya could escalate into a humanitarian crisis unless prompt action is taken. Heavy rain has affected the country’s low lying plains since mid-March which has...

Women hold the key to disaster resilience in Indonesia

Indonesia is particularly vulnerable to natural disasters due to its location in the Pacific Rim of Fire where earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. Each year the Indonesian Government spends between...

IOM is training Rohingya refugees on how to improve their shelter ahead of monsoon season

The UN Migration Agency (IOM) has trained over 40,000 Rohingya on how to upgrade their shelters ahead of monsoon season. In total 100,000 families will receive training, the IOM is also providing upgrade...

$4.1 billion committed to help developing countries meet environmental goals.

A fresh injection of $4.1 billion from the international community has been made available to help prevent biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The money will be used by the Global Environment...

Natural disasters could cost Asia $160 billion a year by 2030

The UN has warned of the significant economic damage natural disasters could cause in the Asia Pacific region. In addition, the region has a very low insurance coverage despite regular and devastating natural...

Press release: Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance

Leading Asia Pacific corporations launch consumer-powered movement to end malaria on World Malaria Day A number of Asia’s leading companies and foundations have launched M2030 – focusing the...

Climate Smart Agriculture Project of the Year Award – Shortlist announced!

We are pleased to announce the shortlist for the Climate-Smart Agriculture Project of the Year Award 2018!  The award will provide recognition for outstanding projects which unite multiple stakeholders...

Rwanda launches its largest climate resilience initiative to date

380,000 people are set to benefit from a new climate change resilience project in Rwanda. Historically Rwanda has suffered a number of severe weather events, such as flooding and landslides, and it is expected...

5 things you might not know about malaria

Today, 25th April 2018, marks World Malaria Day a critical day to recognise the global efforts to control malaria. Here are 5 things you might not know about malara.   1. In 2016 cases of Malaria...

How stoves are tackling health, environment and gender equality issues in Lao DPR

The World Bank, in partnership with the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), is replacing over 50,000 charcoal and wood burning stoves in Lao PDR. The stoves will be replaced with clean,...

Flash floods hit Kenya after months of drought

Heavy rain and flooding has caused large scale destruction and displacement in Kenya. The flooding has hit Mandera country and the town of Dadaab, which is one of the world’s largest refugee camps...

World Immunisation Week: what has been achieved to date and what does the future hold?

This week marks ‘World Immunisation Week’ organised by the World Health Organisation (WHO). The aim of World Immunisation Week is to celebrate and raise awareness of vaccinations in protecting...

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