
Does more food always mean less hunger?

A group of farming experts have questioned calls that increased food production will guarantee a decline in hunger. The United Nations has called for countries to double the productivity and income...

Submit your nomination for the Global Innovator of the Year Award 2018 today!

Aid & International Development Forum (AIDF)  are pleased to open nominations for the Global Innovator of the Year Award. This competition celebrates individuals as well as teams who have...

FAO launches new soil productivity programme for Africa

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and its Global Soil Partnership have announced new plans to improve soil productivity in Africa and reduce to soil degradation and food insecurity....

3 things you must know about bringing water to rural communities

Here are 3 lessons that WateROAM founders learnt in bringing water solutions to the rural poor. They are sharing it with us so that we don’t have to make the mistakes that they did and help one another...

AIDF Asia Innovator of the Year Award finalists announced!

We are pleased to announce the finalists for the AIDF Asia Innovator of the Year Award 2018! The award celebrates individuals as well as teams who have introduced game-changing initiatives, created research...

Rapid Rohingya response: Our emergency response approach

by Martina Aureli, Sales & Business Development Manager – Asia & Oceania at NRS International   “We work hand in hand with humanitarian aid agencies to ensure a successful and fast...

First monsoon rains hit Cox’s Bazar

Heavy rains hit Cox’s Bazar on Saturday 9th June and have continued to cause severe disruption to the Rohingya refugee camps in the area. The camp is home to approximately 1 million people, 31,000...

2017 was a record breaking year for humanitarian crises, OCHA report finds

The United Nations Office for the Coordination on Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) released its Annual Report yesterday, 11 June 2018. The yearly report notes the actions and activities of OCHA and other UN...

We help you save more lives, by saving costs

Do you know the Total Cost of Ownership of your Cold Chain equipment?   Do you know that a new cold chain equipment is half as expensive as vaccines wasted in one single breakdown. The value of vaccines...

Paraguay has officially eliminated Malaria, confirms WHO

The World Health Organisation have today certified that Paraguay has eliminated Malaria, the first country in the Americas to achieve this health landmark since Cuba in 1973. Dr TedrosAdhanom Ghebreyesus,...

Historic investment into female education announced

At the G7 Summit last week Canada, the European Union, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the World Bank announced a historical investment into education for women and girls in crisis situations. The...

The number of countries in need of food assistance has risen thanks to conflict and climate shocks

The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations’ latest Crop Prospects and Food Situation report reveals that food insecurity has increased in 2018 due to conflict and adverse weather....

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