
Are crowdsourced apps the future for disaster response?

A crowdsourced mobile app was used for the time during an emergency response drill in Fiji this week. The geoBingAn app allows individuals to share information on disasters such as floods, landslides and...

India could lose 2.8% of its GDP due to climate change by 2050

The World Bank has warned that climate change could cost India 2.8% of its GDP by 2050 if annual temperatures rise by 1-2 degrees. Similarly, the temperature increase would also reduce the living standards...

Conflict and natural disasters displace millions of girls in East Africa

A recent report by World Vision titled ‘Girls on the Move’ has found that over 2.5 million girls in Eastern Africa have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict and natural disasters....

New drug could prevent thousands of deaths during childbirth

A study partly led by the World Health Organisation has found that a new drug could save the lives of thousands of mothers in low and middle income countries. Currently excessive bleeding (post-partum haemorrhage)...

Zimbabwe announces new climate change policies focusing on resilience and emissions

Zimbabwe has announced three new climate change policies with the aim of making the country more resilient to climate pressures and meet carbon-cutting pledges. Zimbabwe is particularly vulnerable to the...

What lessons have been learnt from the 2017 hurricane season?

The World Meteorological Organisation, the Caribbean Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH), the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), and a gender expert have released a review...

Plant trees to benefit refugees and host communities, urges UN

The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has called for more trees to be planted in countries and areas that are home to large numbers of refugees. The recommendation is based on refugee’s high level...

WMO to increase action on water

The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) has amended its water strategy in light of unprecedented water threats posed by water stress, drought, flooding and lack of access to clean water. The WMO’s...

Kenya is investing $200 million in climate change protection

Kenya has secured a huge injection of new investment from the World Bank to spend on reducing the impacts of climate change. The World Bank approved the new grant last week which will be used to tackle...

Rajan Samuel, Habitat for Humanity wins Asia Innovator of the Year Award!

Aid & International Development Forum is delighted to announce the winner of the Innovator of the Year Award 2018 at the AIDF Asia Summit taking place on 20-21 June 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand. The Asia...

Just three countries support over 50% of the World’s refugees

The Norwegian Refugee Council has revealed that just three countries are home to over half of all off the world’s refugees: Turkey, Bangladesh and Uganda. Today, 20th June, marks World Refugee Day....

India is facing its largest ever water crisis

A recent report, called The Niti Aayog Report, conducted by a government think tank has revealed that India is facing its worst ever water crisis. The report has evaluated data from 24 of India’s...

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