
[infographic] Communicable Diseases in sub-Saharan East Africa

The recent AIDF infographic provides a snapshot of the current health situation in sub-Saharan East Africa. Communicable diseases remain a major public health challenge in the African region, causing a...

The World Disasters Report 2016: the Ignition for Building Resilience

The world today is facing unprecedented crises and growing challenges. It has been estimated that 98.5 million people have been affected by disasters in 2015 alone. Furthermore, the number and scale of...

[infographic] WASH in sub-Saharan East Africa

The Aid & International Development Forum has released an infographic that explores health and WASH in sub-Saharan East Africa. Safe and accessible water is important for public health....

United Nations Day

United Nations Day is observed on the 24th October each year, 2016 marks the 71st anniversary of the United Nation’s creation in 1945. In his last United Nations Day message as Secretary-General,...

Polio Eradication Near Its Endgame

The World Polio Day is marked on 24th October with polio eradication partners celebrating the successes to date and raise awareness for the additional support needed to eradicate the disease and keep the...

Top 15 technology solutions transforming Africa

Join the 2nd annual Aid & Development Africa Summit on 28 February-1 March 2017 in Nairobi, Kenya to discover game-changing innovations in mobile technology, humanitarian...

World Food Day

The right to food is a basic human right; however, some 795 million people in the world do not have enough food to lead a healthy and active life. That equates to about one in nine people on earth....

Global Handwashing Day

Global Handwashing Day, observed on the 15th October, is dedicated to spreading awareness and increasing understanding about the importance of washing hands with soap as an effective and affordable means...

International Day for Disaster Reduction: “Live to Tell”

The 13th October marks the International Day for Disaster Reduction; the 2016 “Live to Tell” campaign seeks to create a wave of awareness about actions taken to reduce mortality around the world....

Making data relevant – the biggest challenge for M4D and the SDGs?

While a great deal of work and energy is going into the achievement of the SDGs, there is very little data-driven accountability on how these are actually being implemented – especially in the form...

Lessons learned from the recent drought response in Ethiopia

Drought, worsened by El Niño effects, is having a devastating impact on the lives and livelihoods of 10.2 million Ethiopians. The lack of rainfall, and subsequent great drought, has caused a massive...

[infographic] Using Virtual Reality for Disaster Response Training

Disasters can strike at any time, and we need to be prepared when they do. Rapid response teams can minimize casualties if they get the right kind of training. Virtual reality is an advanced technology...

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