
Strengthen African health systems to help achieve SDGs

Critical challenges in the coverage of key health services in Africa should be addressed to help the continent achieve the SDGs, a forum has heard. According to the first regional forum in Africa on strengthening...

[infographic] Infrastructure Resilience: Education in sub-Saharan Africa

The recent Aid & International Development Forum (AIDF) infographic provides a snapshot of the current state of education in sub-Saharan Africa. World Bank data shows that the global average pupil-teacher...

Mobile money services are helping thousands of Kenyans escape poverty

A new study has revealed that access to mobile money services has lifted 194,000 Kenyan households out of extreme poverty. Interestingly, female-headed households saw far greater increases in consumption...

[infographic] Infrastructure Resilience: Disasters & Development Assistance in sub-Saharan Africa

Today, the world is facing unprecedented crises and growing challenges. A total of 574 disasters were reported in 2015 alone, 116, or 20 percent, of which occurred in Africa. These disasters affected 108...

[infographic] Infrastructure Resilience: Migration in sub-Saharan Africa

To celebrate International Migrants Day, on the 18th December, the Aid & International Development Forum (AIDF) has released an infographic that considers infrastructure resilience and migration...

[infographic] Infrastructure Resilience & Energy in sub-Saharan Africa

The Aid & International Development Forum (AIDF) has released an infographic that explores infrastructure resilience and access to energy in sub-Saharan East Africa.  The African Development...

The Global Humanitarian Overview 2017: Record funds for record need

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in collaboration with humanitarian partners across the world has launched the Global Humanitarian Overview 2017, a consolidated...

Procurement Advice & Business Opportunities in the Aid and Development Sector

On 1st December 2016, the Aid & International Development Forum (AIDF) hosted a webinar on ‘Procurement advice & business opportunities in the aid and development sector’ aimed...

The role of IT in sustainable development goals

How communications technology and connectivity are paramount to all stages of the work and energy going into achieving the Sustainable Development Goals that have been set by the United Nations.  Information...

Testing begins on new HIV vaccine in time for World AIDS Day

Every year, on December 1st, World AIDS Day events take place across the world to raise awareness and show support for people living with HIV, as well as to commemorate those who have lost their lives as...

Myanmar’s Government must act to build an inclusive financial sector

Myanmar’s financial sector is undergoing a significant transition. Since 2012, it has witnessed a number of reforms including, the expansion of private banks, the installation of thousands of ATM...

World’s first malaria vaccine to be piloted in sub-Saharan Africa in 2018

The World Health Organization (WHO) has secured funding for the initial phase deployment of the world’s first malaria vaccine. The WHO has announced that the vaccine will piloted in sub-Saharan Africa...

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