
Interview with Niklas Danielsson, Senior Immunisation Specialist, UNICEF

How is UNICEF involved in humanitarian and development sectors?  The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) provides humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers. Our focus...

Tsunami Awareness day – Join the Wave of Awareness

The Sumatra Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 caused over 230,000 fatalities and 1.7 million people were left homeless in the 14 different countries bordering the ocean. Two years later Japan was hit and although...

€106 Million in Aid for Sudan

Last week Monday the European Commission announced they would be providing Sudan with a €106 million aid package, €46 million in humanitarian assistance and €60 million for development. The...

Top 100 Twitter Accounts to Follow in African Aid & Development

In advance of the Aid and Development Africa Summit, AIDF has created a list of the Top 100 Twitter Accounts to follow in African aid and development. The list is comprised of 50 humanitarian...

[Infographic] Disaster Preparedness

Infographic by Shiv Raj Sharma of Keys90 From 2005 to 2017, there were 350 weather-related disasters. In the 20 years from 1997 to 2017, flooding made up nearly 50% of natural disasters and resulted in...

Gavi and CDC Group Expanding their Programmes through Partnership and Investment

Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, is exploring new partnerships to expand their reach in the developing world. The public-private partnership is currently looking towards tech companies in Silicon Valley to aid...

5 Reasons Why Everyone Needs Clean Drinking Water

Science clearly states that a human being can survive three weeks without food, but where water is concerned most people can’t go on 3-4 days without it! Dehydration sets in, and even if the person...

‘Uniting the Nations’ Day

Every year on the 24th October, the humanitarian and development community marks the anniversary of the United Nations charter entering into force in 1945. The day is used to celebrate and show homage to...

Technology Giving Access to Healthcare in Africa

Access to healthcare in Africa differs greatly from region to region; and from urban centres to rural villages. The distance one lives to an urban centre determines the access they have to medical...

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

October 17th is International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly's declaration of October 17th as International Day...

Public-Private Partnerships in the Development Sector

A Devex report recently looked into five public-private partnerships between government development and aid agencies and private sector companies to address development issues around the world. The report...

International Day for Disaster Reduction

October 13th is International Day for Disaster Reduction, a day to promote a global culture of risk awareness and disaster reduction. This occasion began in 1989 when the United Nations General Assembly...

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