
UNICEF: ‘we are failing the world’s poorest babies’

The latest report by UNICEF into new-born mortality reveals that the global deaths of new-borns is alarmingly high, particularly within the world’s poorest countries. New-borns in Pakistan, the Central...

How can India’s agricultural industry prepare for climate change?

India’s latest annual economic survey revealed that climate change could hurt the income of Indian farmers by up to 25% in the medium term. India is expected to experience extreme weather events,...

Monsoon season poses a serious risk for Bangladesh’s refugee communities

Severe weather brought on by the monsoon season in Bangladesh poses a significant risk to the refugee settlement in Cox’s Bazar. Since August 2017 the Inter-Sector Coordination Group (ISCG) estimates...

12,000 children are being forced out of school every day due to conflict and drought in East Africa

Save the Children report that 90,000 children in East Africa risk being forced to drop out of school each week in 2018 due to drought and conflict. This is the equivalent of 4.7 million children abandoning...

Which Oscars stars also play leading roles in aid and development?

With The 90th Academy Awards just a few weeks away Aid & International Development Forum have put together a list of Oscar winners and nominees who also play leading roles in humanitarian relief and...

WHO has announced new guidelines on care standards during childbirth

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has released new guidelines on global care standards for childbirth aiming to reducing the use of needles and harmful routines. An estimated 140 million births take...

The UN has launched a new app to empower migrants in Africa

The United Nations International Orgnasation for Migration (IOM) has launched a mobile app called MigApp to empower migrants in East and the Horn of Africa. MigApp is a mobile tool that collates relevant,...

We help you save more lives, by saving costs

Do you know the Total Cost of Ownership of your Cold Chain equipment?   Do you know that a new cold chain equipment is half as expensive as vaccines wasted in one single breakdown. The value of vaccines...

FAO has launched a global platform to increase the success of Farmer Field Schools.

Farmer Field Schools are community driven programmes providing agricultural training and education to communities. The programmes are increasing in demand around the world as they improve the ability of...

Is blockchain the future for international aid distribution?

The first test looking to bring greater efficiency and transparency to humanitarian funding has been a great success. The first in a serious of tests into blockchain technology enabled Dorcas, a relief...

UNFPA donates N$7 million worth of contraceptives to Namibia

The United Nations Population Fund has donated $7 million Namibian Dollars’ worth of contraception to Namibia’s public health facilities, this equates to approximately $60 thousand US Dollars....

Climate-smart agriculture provides a lifeline to Mali’s women

Agriculture is often a key route out of poverty for many in developing countries, especially among women. And in the West African country of Mali, it is estimated that women make up half of all those involved...

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