
Interview with Debisi O. Araba, Africa Director, International Center for Tropical Agriculture

What is your current role at CIAT? I am the Director for CIAT in Africa. In my role, I lead strategy and work closely with colleagues and representatives of partner organizations to implement it. In Africa,...

Land degradation could threaten 700 million people by 2050

A recent report by the Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has revealed that land degradation could force millions of people to migrate over the next 30 years. Land degradation...

Poverty reduction as effective as medicine in preventing TB

A recent study published in Lancet Global Health has revealed that poverty reduction efforts are as effective at reducing tuberculosis (TB) as medicines and vaccines. The study found that eradicating extreme...

Extreme weather and climate events caused more damage than ever before in 2017

The United Nations weather agency have reported that hurricanes, monsoons, floods and droughts made 2017 the most damaging year ever. Petteri Taalas, Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization...

The number of people experiencing food insecurity rose by 16 million in 2017

The Food Security Information Network released its 2018 Global Report on Food Crises today. The report reveals that approximately 124 million people across 51 countries face a crisis level of food insecurity,...

World Water Day – What Threat Does Water Pose to Asia?

March 22nd 2018 marks the 25th Annual World Water Day which aims to highlight the importance of freshwater and advocate for the sustainable management of water resources. Global water use has increased...

Does satellite data hold the answer to agricultural challenges in Africa?

There has been a significant growth in the availability of satellite data in recent years, providing access to information on air quality, soil composition, ocean currents, and seismic activity. Satellite...

DFID steps up support for Rohingya refugees as monsoon season looms

The UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) has increased support to Rohingya refugees ahead of monsoon season. Bangladesh’s annual cyclone and monsoon season is fast approaching...

Technology and innovation are key for Asia’s development

The challenges of development are complex, inter-connected, fast changing and unprecedented. The unique challenges affect countries and populations across the globe and it is increasingly important for...

Agri-tech is transforming Africa’s agricultural industry

Agriculture has a significant role in Africa as it employs 65% of the work force and contributes 32% of GDP, according to the World Bank. Similarly, approximately 70% of Africa's population depend...

Investment in sustainable water management is critical for Vietnam

Vietnam is facing a water crisis driven by environmental damage, climate change and unsustainable water exploitation. Additionally, the country is struggling to address challenges in resource management...

Nominations are now open for the Project of the Year Showcase and Award

Aid & International Development Forum are pleased to open nominations for the Climate Smart Agriculture Project of the Year Award. Collaboration is paramount for the success of Africa’s future...

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