
Green Climate Fund commits a further $80 million to climate change adaptation projects

The Green Climate Fund has approved over $80 million for three new climate change adaptation projects. Earlier in 2018, the Green Climate Fund announced funding worth $1 billion for climate adaptation projects....

Drones are joining the fight against insect borne diseases

Drones are one step closer to combating insect borne diseases after a successful test, the UN has announced. The UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have developed the drones in collaboration with...

Revolutionise African farming methods to overcome climate change, says UN

Representatives from both the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and UN Environment highlighted the need to change African farming techniques to address food security concerns in the region. Josef...

Belgium boost funding for WFP’s latest blockchain and drone innovations

The Government of Belgium has contributed €2 million to support the World Food Programme’s innovative drone and blockchain solutions. Alexander De Croo, Belgium’s Deputy Prime Minister...

UK Met Office committed to strengthening Asia’s resilience to climate change

The UK Met Office announced a new programme to strengthen climate change resilience in Asia, working in partnership with the World Bank and the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID)....

As global cases of malaria rise, what new methods can be used to prevent its spread?

Malaria experts are warning of a resurgence in the disease as global cases are no longer falling. In 2016, 216 million cases of malaria were detected in 91 countries, compared to 211 million in 2015. Around...

Natural disasters caused $314 billion in 2017, the second most costly year on record

New research by EM-DAT's Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) reveals that a total of 318 natural disasters occurred in 2017, affecting 96 million people across 122 countries....

Médecins Sans Frontières open new hospital in Cox’s Bazar as health concerns grow for monsoon season

The hospital, ran by Médecins Sans Frontières, opens as the camp is preparing for its annual monsoon season which has caused significant concern among humanitarian organisations. Monsoon season...

‘Green’ coastal protection solutions could prevent damages worth $50 billion in the Gulf of Mexico

New research in the PLOS One peer reviewed journal reveals that nature-based solutions are more cost effective than artificial solutions in preventing flooding in the Gulf of Mexico. The research found...

Solar irrigation systems could dramatically improve farming practices, says FAO

FAO’s latest report ‘The Benefits and Risks of Solar Powered Irrigation - a global overview’ highlights the significant potential for solar powered irrigation systems to increase sustainable...

Yellow fever to be eliminated from Africa by 2026, hopes UN

The UN has announced an ambitious aim to eliminate yellow fever in Africa by 2026. The plans will involve vaccinating almost 1 billion people. Yellow fever is a mosquito borne disease that causes death...

Asia needs to step up the fight against hunger, says FAO Director

Governments in Asia must further their commitment to Zero Hunger by focusing on rural poverty reduction and adapting their agricultural sectors due to the threats posed by climate change. General José...

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