
Conflict and natural disasters internally displaced over 30 million in 2017

The International Displacement Monitoring Centre and Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) have reported that over 30 million people were internally displaced in 2017. This is the equivalent to 80,000 each day....

DCR faces new Ebola challenge one case is identified in city of Mbandaka

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has confirmed that a case of Ebola has been confirmed in the city of Mbandaka, which is home to 1.2 million people. The finding has alarmed the DCR government...

Invest in education and roads to increase food security, says FAO

The World Food Programme’s latest findings reveal that completing an extra year in education and an extra kilometre of road per every 1,000 people would significantly improve food crisis response...

Two thirds of global population to live in cities by 2030

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) have released their latest report on urban and rural estimations titled ‘2018 Revision of World Urbanization Prospects’. The...

Asia-Pacific falling behind on SDGs according to latest UN report

A report released last week by the United Nations titled ‘Asia and the Pacific SDG Progress Report 2017’ found that the region is falling behind its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Of...

Press release: International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

New Guides to De-Risk Investment in Climate-Smart Agriculture in Africa Launched by Scientists “CSA profiles” are presented in Nairobi at global conference dedicated to fast-tracking adoption...

Thousands of Rohingya refuges have moved to safer ground ahead of monsoon season

The UN Migration Agency, IOM, have successfully relocated 12,000 Rohingya refugees as monsoon storms have already begun in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. The rains have damaged shelter and have increased...

Rwanda Climate Services for Agriculture wins Project of the Year Award!

Aid & International Development Forum is delighted to announce the winner of the Project of the Year Award 2018 at the Africa Climate Smart Agriculture Summit. The Climate-Smart Agriculture Project...

5 questions with Caroline Mowngera, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

We caught up with Caroline Mowngera a Farming systems & Climate Change Scientist at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) ahead of her appearance at the Africa Climate Smart...

Inequality is limiting Asia-Pacific’s development, says António Guterres

The UN Secretary-General has highlighted the need for Asia-Pacific to tackle the significant levels of inequality in order to achieve all of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. António Guterres,...

The US should prepare for an even worse hurricane season in 2018

New research into predicting the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season suggests this year’s hurricanes may be even worse than they were in 2017. 2017 brought the devastating hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria...

Integrating child health and WaSH policies will increase the effectiveness of aid delivery

New research by WaterAid and PATH has found that combining clean water, decent household toilets and good hygiene with childhood vaccinations and nutrition support could prevent 697,000 child deaths each...

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