
Interview with Christopher Ivory, VP Land Solutions at Global Eagle

How is Global Eagle involved in the humanitarian aid and development sector? ...

[Infographic] Meeting Education SDGs in Myanmar

Public spending on education has risen by 49% in Myanmar since 2012. However, only...

The Impact of Big Data on Development and Disaster Resilience

May 17th marks World Telecommunication and Information Society Day bringing awareness...

Solutions That Save Lives & Support Development – 2017 Edition

Modern science and technology transformed how the humanitarian community addresses...

[Infographic] Infrastructure resilience & ICT development in Southeast Asia

The Aid & International Development Forum (AIDF) has released an infographic that...

Help Us Find Solutions That Save Lives & Support Development - 2017 Edition

For the past two years, the Aid & International Development Forum (AIDF) has...

How International Development NGOs Use Online Technology

The Aid & International Development Forum has partnered with Nonprofit Tech for...

Mobile money services are helping thousands of Kenyans escape poverty

A new study has revealed that access to mobile money services has lifted 194,000 Kenyan...

The role of IT in sustainable development goals

How communications technology and connectivity are paramount to all stages of the...

Myanmar’s Government must act to build an inclusive financial sector

Myanmar’s financial sector is undergoing a significant transition. Since 2012,...

CIWM and WasteAid UK to produce guidance on low-cost reuse and recycling technologies

The Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM) is to fund the development of...

[infographic] Using Virtual Reality for Disaster Response Training

Disasters can strike at any time, and we need to be prepared when they do. Rapid response...

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