
Responding to Climate Change with Climate Science in Kenya

Kenya, like many other climate vulnerable countries around the world, has experienced natural disasters and extreme weather at an alarming rate and immense intensity. The impacts of climate vulnerability...

$4.5 million of Social Cost Averted by One Cold Chain Unit

The miracle of vaccines is undeniable, but what about the delivery and storage mechanisms that get them where they need to go? What is the social value of having reliable cold chains maintaining the...

What Did the United Nations Buy Last Year?

According to a recent report released by the UN, last year the United Nations increased its overall volume of procurement as compared to that of 2015 by 0.8 percent.  In US dollars, this translates...

100 Must-Follow Twitter Accounts in Disaster Relief & Development

The Aid and International Development Forum (AIDF) has released a list of leading Twitter accounts in disaster response and development. Inspired by the 9th annual Global Disaster Relief & Development...

58% of Diarrhoeal Diseases Globally Are a Result of Unsafe Water Sources

2.4 billion people globally live without improved sanitation. Contaminated water can lead to numerous diseases including cholera, typhoid, dysentery and many other diarrhoeal diseases. World Health Organization...

Solutions That Save Lives & Support Development – 2017 Edition

Modern science and technology transformed how the humanitarian community addresses current and emerging challenges. Disaster response and preparedness, emergency procurement, agricultural productivity as...

Report of ‘The ReMiND Project: Reducing Maternal and Newborn Death’

Catholic Relief Services recently released a report examining the impact and result of the ReMiND Project. With the goal of contributing to increase sustainable improvement in mothers, newborns and children’s...

Mercy Corps Research Report on Stability in Sub-Saharan Africa

Mercy Corps research report “Financing the Frontier: Inclusive Financial Sector Development in Fragility-Affected Africa” commissioned by Financial Sector Deepening Africa and supported by the...

Help Us Find Solutions That Save Lives & Support Development - 2017 Edition

For the past two years, the Aid & International Development Forum (AIDF) has published an online guide to cutting-edge solutions, products and technology used by NGOs, UN agencies, governments...

How International Development NGOs Use Online Technology

The Aid & International Development Forum has partnered with Nonprofit Tech for Good on the second annual edition of the Global NGO Online Technology Report.  The 2017 Global NGO Online...

2016 Global NGO Online Technology Survey

The Aid & International Development Forum has partnered with Nonprofit Tech for Good on the 2016 Global NGO Online Technology Survey. Published in English, French, and Spanish, the goal of the...

[report] Operational Feasibility of Smallholder Innovations

This report, compiled by Professor Emeritus of Colorado State University, examines the operational feasibility of smallholder farming innovations in extensive detail, ensuring also the conclusions can be...

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